Sin wrote itself

His fingers trace the rise and fall of her chest

Lips biting on to the last strands of restrain

Her insolent blue dress, exposing glimpses of the forbidden tattoos

Without permission his eyes touch her lust

The sin wrote itself when she inhaled sharp

His warm desire glistening on her thighs

Watching you watch me


Watching you

Watch me

Dress and undress

Watching you

Watch me

Taste you and taste me

Watching you

Watch me

Moan and whine

Watching you

Watch me Drop and drip for you

I think you have a fetish for me…..


My eyes taste your skin

The cologne driving me to sin

That shirt and the way you unbutton

Your sleeves rolled up and I cannot even fathom

The way my skin burns for your touch

The way I want you to eat me on the couch

The way I crave your moans

The way lust in me groans

You look my way with a sinister smirk

And I can almost feel your palms on my skin smack

The sharp pain of your pleasure

In your ecstasy I leisure

So don’t waste another second

And take me by the hand

Bite my lip and lick my neck

For you sir, ive kept my all at stake


I promise ill etch stars on your skin

I promise I will wet the sheets with your moans

I promise I will chew every worry of yours

I promise I will fill your lips with my name in screams

I promise I will make your skin shiver

I promise I will embroider you in scarlet traces of me

I promise you will smell like my sin after I am done with you

I promise!

Little ol me

I’m just a simple ol me
How much more different can i actually be
I dont have pounds of words that taste new
But I do have some old precious lines, that are few
I might not be able to always say what I mean
But I will always be the wall on which you can lean
I wont be able to always stop your tears
But I will always wipe away all your fears
In a crowd where you cant seem to find yourself
I will be the loudest cheerleader, being your little elf
WHen the nights get too dark and the thunder too loud
I will be your headphones playing you soothing sounds
I wont be able to cage your heart for eternity
But I will always miss you with a passion to pull you into my infinity
I’m just a simple ol me
But this is all that i can be

A boy that once was

He was like a crocheted sweater

Warm and embracing

Made with Beautiful threads of love

He was like a June day

Filled with little yellow flowers

Stitched up with smiles and lemonade

He was like bell bottom jeans

Once my go to

But out of fashion today

He was like a mirror

Filled with many of my reflections

Yet shattered on the floor now

He was like a dream i once had

Yellow outlined clouds and sunsets filled

Now a nightmare filled with panic and torture

Blood stains

You breathe and you let go
You think and sustain another blow
You grow bitter with each passing hour
Still climb your lonely tower
You tell yourself you are good
You convince your mind that they, not you, were rude
And just like that slowly but for sure
You, piece by piece, turn sour
You see a reflection these days
Not knowing if she stayed
The old you who once laughed free
And was clean even beyond the eyes could see
Now you are tainted
Now you are black
You can see it
Hoping others don’t look back
No one to show your wounds to
No one to feel your pain
You keep climbing the lonely tower
Hiding your own blood stains


In the wake of pin drop silence
The mesmerizing purring of the zipper
The whisper of the dress sliding off the shoulder
The sharp gasp upon the first kiss
The rustle of fingers gliding over bare skin
The melody of muffled breaths intertwined
And the caramel of seduction dripped with every lick
That’s what makes a summer night’s story

I want to see you

I want to see you











Out of control







I want to see you all at once.

It’s been awhile

I know you see me
I know it hurts
Our aching distance
Your desire that bursts
Your eyes calling
Your hands cuffed and sprawling
That heaving chest
Urging you to taste my rest
I smile, wicked
Licking lips crooked
Fingers run wild
Over sweating skin burning mild
A tease, you called me once
I won’t give you a fleeting chance
This night you are a spectator just
Watch me make love to me… You must
Dipping close a taste of your breath
Enough for me to hear you seethe
As the ache in you grows
In the music my lust shows
A minute more, before I break
Let you free to taste my wake
I’ll move to the rhythm this night Echoes in
Give you the glimpse of every inch of me that’s glimmering
And as the tempo come to its rest
You see the key peeking over supple breasts
That smile of wicked slips on your lip
You know my ache for your every sip

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